

No lo sabía, pero me enteré gracias a Lola. El domingo 15 de Febrero fue el Día Internacional contra la Violencia contra Mujeres y Niñas.

V-Day es un movimiento que tuvo como detonante la obra de teatro 'The Vagina Monologues' de la escritora americana Eve Ensler, que en esta fecha se representa en miles de sitios a la vez para recaudar fondos para esta campaña.

En homenaje (demorado) a la ocasión, republico el poema que la misma Lola nos deja en su blog.

I fight like a girl
I fight like a girl who refuses to be a victim
I fight like a girl who's tired of being
ignored and humored and beaten and raped
I fight like a girl who's sick
of not being taken seriously
I fight like a girl who's been pushed too far
I fight like a girl who offers and demands respect
I fight like a girl who has a lifetime of
anger and strength and pride
pent up in her girly body
I fight like a girl who doesn't believe in
fear and submission
I fight like a girl who knows that
this body and this mind are mine
i fight like a girl who knows that
you only have as much power
as i grant you
I fight like a girl who will never allow you
to take more than I offer
I fight like a girl who fights back.
So next time you think you can distract yourself
from your insecurities by victimizing a girl,
think again
She may be ME and
i fight like a girl

2 comentarios

Gab -

¡Precioso! Adhiérome (lo de los rulos ¡OK!)

Poly -

Que causa tan importante y que buen poema...
Te felicito por tu nueva adquisicion (sniff) y por tus cortos rulos (ja)